Friday, May 11, 2012

Let's Talk it Out

My mom texted me yesterday to tell me she saw a child psychologist on 'The Today Show' giving advice on how to deal your child when he/she throws a fit.

The psychologist suggested sitting down with them and calmly saying, "Help me understand what's really bothering you" so that you and the child can work on identifying the correct behavior to use to express their feelings.

This type of parenting was seconded by a girlfriend of mine who is a respected educator dealing with children with special needs (who, I will note, has very well-behaved boys).

So, being the mom of a very dramatic spirited child, I thought I would give it a shot. Paige was throwing a huge fit because I wouldn't let her play with the iPad AND watch TV at the same time. I know, I know - it's practically like a remake of "Mommy Dearest" over here.

Keep in mind that she was on the other side of the baby gate in the living room looking at me in the den. Where I was on a ladder. Painting the ceiling. Which was the worst idea EVER. Which also turned me into an old bag of bones that can barely move today. But, I digress.

Anywho - here is how the conversation went down, after much arguing about TV vs. iPad:

Me: Paige, what is your deal today? (which really is the same thing as "help me understand what's bothering you, right? RIGHT?!?!?)

Paige (putting her hands on her hips): ANYTHING, Mommy!!! Now just stop it, okay!!!!!

And then she turned on her heels and stomped away.

I'm thinking about calling that psychologist and seeing if she wants to come talk to me about how well her method works. Oh, and to see if she wants to meet some actual toddlers. Because she clearly has none living in her house.


  1. You are STILL painting the den??? (Do you like how that is my take-away from this post.)

  2. Hmmm... I am surpised that Paige did not say "Mommy, help me understand what's bothering you today." I would call the child psychologist and see if she is interested in painting your cealing!
