Thursday, November 1, 2012

October Re-cap

Okay, so this month pretty much got away from me. So, below is a quick (or, let's be honest, probably not so quick) recap of our October.

Haunted House - 

As you know, this was my first year as a member of the Guild at The Children's Museum - amongst other things, the organization responsible for putting on the annual Haunted House. It was time-consuming, yes. But also ah-mazing. So fun to get to know a great group of women, and get back into the "grown-up world" every now and then. Okay, and scare some kids. And some grown-ups. That was pretty awesome, too.

As a result of my Halloween season beginning well before October started, my girls were PSYCHED for the holiday this year. Paige loved knowing I was going to meet with my "witch friends," and every time I was at the Haunted House I sent her a picture so she could see my costume (in fact, she always liked to weigh in on what I should choose that day for my costume - her favorite was the black cat). 

Some samples of my Halloween pics sent to Paige (a pumpkin and a friendly witch, respectively) 

Awww yeah - Best Haunter (for both Friendly and Frightening, y'all!)!!!

Towards the end of the month, the girls were still jazzed about Halloween. But they were ... um ... less than enthusiastic about my leaving for multiple hours at a time almost every day. To paint a picture: at one point, while Blair was screaming on the floor (crying real tears) and Paige yelled "I am sick of you going to play with other kids, Mommy! Stay home!"

Yowza. Not so easy to leave the house on those days.

Thank God I don't "work."

Daycare - 

Speaking of work, I really stepped it up in the stay-at-home-mom department this month. Paige's whining has hit an all-time high, and her listening skills have hit an all-time low. Seriously, I feel like I could lose it.

Okay. I kind of lost it.

We may or may not have had the following conversation:

M: "Paige. I don't know what to do with you anymore. I don't know how to make you stop whining and start listening to me."

P: I don't remember the exact thing she said, but it was probably something along the lines of "Stop it, Mommy" or ... well, just the sounds of footsteps running away from me.

M: "You know what. I think maybe I'm not doing a good job as a Mommy. I think maybe I should find someone who can help you learn the things you should learn. I just don't know what to do anymore."

P: Now paying a TAD bit more attention, as you can imagine...

M: (bending down to make sure she could hear me) "I think we are going to have to send you to a place called 'daycare' during the day. You will go there after breakfast and come home after dinner, and they will teach you the things Mommy can't."

P: "Will Blair come too?"

M: (still bending down) "No, she will stay with me, because she's still listening and not really whining at all. Don't worry, Paige. You will learn lots of stuff at daycare. But, you won't like it ..." (Pause for effect...bend down even further) "... because it is. A. Horrible. Place."

Yep. Take notes people. I? Am a WICKEDLY awesome mom. Totally willing to sacrifice the truth in hopes of instilling some fear into the heart of my child. Yep. Wickedly awesome.

(And, no, smartasses. It didn't work. Well, maybe it worked for a day or two. Okay, it worked long enough for me to throw out the 'daycare' card again this afternoon. And today it didn't work. Not even a little.)

PDO Dropout - 

Well, she won. After weeks and weeks of crying and protesting, Blair is officially a PDO (Parent's Day Out) dropout. It's kind of a long story, but let's just say I decided that having her spend FOUR HOURS crying (seriously, people...she cried the ENTIRE time. EVERY time.) was less productive than, say, Gymboree or a Kindermusik class (or, most likely, a trip to Trader Joe's or Target).

Blair - 1  Mommy - 0

Next up on her to-do list: find a way to climb back inside Mommy's womb. Honestly, I really think that's her plan. She literally tries to crawl up my legs, and I'm pretty sure that's her destination. 

To be continued...

Cuteness - 

To end on a positive note, here are some seriously cute pictures of some Fall/Halloween fun. 

See? They are like puppies - they just keep luring me back in with their cuteness. 

Blair learned how to turn on, unlock, and use the iPad. Like, find the specific App she wants to use and play around with it, then switch it on up to another App. Genius.

Both girls have had their fair share of sick days already this month. It's going to be a loooonnnnng Winter. And it's not even Winter yet. Ugh.

The Twisters end a good  successful  winning  FUN season. They even got personalized trophies! And pretzels!! And hot tiny water bottles!!! (Excitement level listed in order here)

Blair practices trick-or-treating. And raises suspicion that she might not be a genius after all, and perhaps we should be hoping for an athletic scholarship someday ... 

Pumpkin 'carving' (aka, putting Mr. Potatohead parts into our pumpkins). Blair is less than impressed.

Meanwhile, Paige is all over it.

Fun at the pumpkin patch with the cousins (or just "cousins", as Paige calls them).

A cousin-filled-post-pumpkin patch bath!

Having an okay time, I guess, with Gramma and Grampa while Mommy and Daddy haunt (seriously? I'm pretty sure they didn't even notice we were gone!).

An impromptu, rainy day girls date to see "Hotel Transylvania" (very funny, and Paige loved it).

Blair was less than impressed, but having her snooze on my chest for almost an hour was my favorite part of the movie ...

Paige being excited for her preschool Halloween party!

Blair finally realizing how fun the bubbles are at Gymboree!

Mommy with her two favorite witches!

Trick-or-treating! They were going to be two witches, but since it was almost freezing, we stuffed Blair into the bumblebee costume at the last minute (poor second child - we didn't even wash it, and it had lint from the Abby Caddaby costume all over it. We love you, Bear. Just remember that!)

Blair non-verbally expressing her irritation with her parents' decision to hold-off on candy while walking ... NOT happy.

Paige showing her little sister the ropes. Blair caught on quickly (she would say "ta ta ta" - the words may have been a little off, but she had the inflection down pat).

This happened twice, people. I turned away for a second or two only to look back and discover that Blair had an entire package of Smarties in her mouth. Dear Smarties - please 'Blair-proof'  your wrappers.

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