Friday, February 15, 2013

My Funny Valentines

Let me start off by saying that in the past, I have NOT been a fan of Valentine's Day.

I get the sentiment behind it, but I really think people should tell one another how much they love each other every day.

And by "people," I mean "husbands/significant others." Guess what? I clean our toilets, fold your boxers, and argue with your kids about whether or not their knock-knock jokes make sense (they don't) or are funny (they aren't). If that doesn't tell you how much I love you, nothing does.

Bring flowers home on a random Tuesday. Kiss us each time you walk through the door. Tell us how much you appreciate all we do as often as you think it. Remember to plug our phone in to charge at night.

Vacuum every now and then. I know, I know ... I'm a sucker for fairy tales.

Having kids has changed my perspective on February 14th (as well as on everything else, right?). It's a pretty fun holiday now, especially with two little girls who LOVE everything pink. And pretty much everything heart-shaped, too. And don't even get them STARTED on candy/chocolates/sweets. You had them at sugar.

The girls working hard on their cards. And fighting over the markers/stamps/cantaloupe snack/chairs ... you know, in the true spirit of St. Valentine (or the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, perhaps).

This was also the first year Paige had a Valentine's party at school. Her in-class party meant cards for each of the other 9 kids in her class. (Don't even get me started on the fight we had about the fact that she didn't need to make a Valentine for 'Paige'. She did NOT understand why she wouldn't want to give herself a Valentine. Oh, those narcissistic little preschoolers.).

The funny thing is, the day before we made her Valentines, the girls and I ran into one of Paige's classmates and his mom at The Children's Museum. We somehow got to talking about the kids and their interest in writing their letters - or, in both of our cases, the lack thereof. "Paige just isn't willing to sit still long enough to learn how to write them. I sometimes worry she's behind because her both her bestie and her cousin are all over it. I wonder when she will learn how to write her name?"

You know how people tell you not to compare your kids to other kids? It's because you will end up looking like an idiot.

We got home that VERY day, and Paige not only signed all of her cards herself (with a little reminding which letters came where in her name), but she also traced all of her classmates names on the envelopes, and even wrote "Happy Valentine's Day" on her teacher's card. All while only asking me which letter came next. She only needed help with the 'H' (none of us has that letter in our name!).

Well. Color me pink (as in, embarrassed).

Yep - that very clearly says 'Paige'. Oh, and she knows how to draw hearts, too. This? Is the ONLY Valentine's Day card I received, by the way. Yep. Being a SAHM is full of thanks and love!

Paige also had a Valentine's Day party with her Daddy the night before the big day. All the kids in her class and their daddies had a party in their classroom where they had circle time, ate cupcakes, made mailboxes for the next day and had a grand ol' time. Paige's teacher noted how pleased she was that Paige was the only one who thought to color the inside of the mailbox ... just in case. Have we mentioned how much we love Paige's teachers?

Paige and her Daddy - she is SO proud!!!

Paige and her daddy working on her mailbox. He was worried he wouldn't be able to get out of that tiny chair after he sat down.

Circle time - Daddy noticed that Paige seems a bit more distracted than the other kids. Yeah. Tell me something I don't know.

All in all, it was a terrific Valentine's Day. And, I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty sure I have the cutest Valentines around.


Seriously? No words. This wasn't even taken on Valentine's Day. I just had to post it because it's so cute.

Thanks again for the kazoo, Nani and Botsie. I hope the sarcasm comes through in this statement. This is a rare moment when they are not fighting over it. Also? Paige says it reminds her of a 'party blower,' so all kazoo-ing is accompanied by shouts of "Let's Party!!" and "Woohoo!!!!" Awesome.

Sisters. Ooohhhh, please promise you will always be each other's Valentines. And mine, too. 

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