Let's see ... what could an example be? Oh, I know! Most crafts. Yeah. That's why we pay to send you to school. I already have to pick peas, noodles, marker lids ... you get the idea ... out of poor Ramsey's fur. No need to add glitter and glue into the mix.
What else? Hmmm - oh, right. I hang the clothes in their closets WAAAAY too high for them to reach. Is Paige perhaps a bit behind in the ability to dress herself? Not really (although she does get frustrated really easily. She obviously gets that from Derrick). Is her fashion sense stunted at all?
Well ... I'll let you be the judge:
This is this morning. She is wearing footy jammies, a bear hat and one foot of Blair's first Halloween costume, a Tinkerbell pixie dust purse and a Wonder Woman tutu. And her pink glasses, obv.
This is brushing her teeth after she got dressed this morning. Ok, fine. This afternoon. OK. FINE!!! It was 3:45 pm! Don't judge - Derrick's out of town. She is wearing black Hello Kitty sweats, a polo dress (backwards) and, although you can't see them, Tangled panties (inside out and backwards). When we left the house, her shoes were on the wrong feet and her coat was on upside-down. If you even dare try to suggest that any of the above, um...transgressions?, be fixed, Paige will promptly (and loudly) let you know that she " LIKES THEM THAT WAY!!!!!"
The funny thing? Blair is actually TOTALLY into choosing her outfit. She may or may not own her very own pair of legit Ugg boots. Because she flat-out refused to wear the Fuggs (aka faux-Uggs) from Target. She is LIVID if I don't put a bow in her hair in the morning (sadly, she calls everything 'bow,' while pointing up to bows, barrettes, ribbons, and ponytail holders - let's just say it takes a while to get it right each day). She likes us to hold her up so she can point to the SPECIFIC outfit she wants to wear each day. And if I turn away and then go back to give her another choice, she will pick the same outfit, over and over again.
See the picture above? That is probably one of the most expensive outfits in her closet right now (aka, a gift from a grandparent ... Nani and Botsie, specifically in this case.). It was Paige's originally, and she wore it once (because it snaps in the back, and Paige wouldn't sit still long enough for me to snap it up).
Oh boy. This should get interesting.
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